Blue mosque is a relic of historic Turkish Ottoman Empire and
and one of the historic buildings. Called "blue mosque" because the blue dome lid. The mosque is located in Istanbul city of Turkey, was built by Sultan Ahmed I in 1609 and completed in 1612. Sultan Ahmed Blue Mosque built to emulate the Hagia building artificial Sopia Byzantine emperor (Constantin I). Hagia Sopia located one block from the Blue Mosque. Before falling into Otoman Turkish empire in 1453 AD, Hagia Sopia is the Byzantine Church. Blue Mosque has six minarets, dome diameter of 23.5 meters, 43 meters high dome, concrete pole diameter of 5 meters.

This mosque is one of two mosques in Turkey that has six tower. Due to the number of towers similar to the Grand Mosque in Mecca, when that King of Ahmad received sharp criticism, so he is donating the cost of making the seventh tower to the Grand Mosque . Above the door of the Blue Mosque in pairs of heavy iron chain. Only the King can be enter into the courtyard with riding horses. If the King will enter to the mosque, he must bowed his head so as not to hit the chain. This is the mean, symbol of humility in front the power of the divine ruler. Besides beautiful scenery, beautiful historic buildings filled Istanbul. Not far from the Blue Mosque, Aya Sofia museum there. As well as the beauty of its architecture, Aya Sofia is very unique because of its history. Originally Aya Sofia is the church in the heyday Konstatinopel, then converted into a mosque, after 500 years and since the secular government of the Republic of Turkey at the turn into the museum.

Blue Mosque, until now, still function as a place of worship. Entering the mosque complex, we passed a protected flower garden shade tree. A place of ablution lined the front side before entering the mosque welcomed us inside the mosque complex. When entering the mosque space tourists must dress modestly. Women should wear veils. The guards are always ready to remind the front entrance. The mosque is also composed from marble pillars, and more from 200 stained glass windows with various designs, emitting light from outside.In the chandeliers, ostricheggs laid to prevent the spider made a nest there. Other Decorative calligraphicverses of the Qur'an, mostly made by Seyyid Kasim Gubari, one of the bestcalligraphers at that time.